Coil Adapters
Adapter for VERTICAL mounting.
Model No. 5315-A-375
Model No. 5315-A-250
Adapter for HORIZONTAL mounting.
Model No. 5041-A-375
Model No. 5041-A-250.
Work Coils mounted in Terminal Plug No. 5138 may be used at the end of a standard
Miller Coaxial Cable or in the standard Miller Re-Coil Terminals by the use
of No. 5315-A-375 or 5041-A-375 Adapter. This increases the versatility of
plug mounted work coils.
Other coil adapters for a bulkhead and vacuum feed-through are available for use with the Terminal Plug No. 5138.*
Universal mounting brackets are available for positioning the work coil end of the coaxial cable on benches, fixtures, index tables and tensile testing machines. Write or call for additional information.
Collet No. 5330-250. "O" Rings Not Included.
Collet No. 5330-375. "O" Rings Not Included.
Collets interchangeable with vertical and horizontal adapters above.
Special size collets smaller than .375 are available on special order.